Sunday, January 26, 2020
Identification of Unknown Macromolecule
Identification of Unknown Macromolecule Heike Behr Aim The purpose of this lab was to use the scientific method to identify an unknown solution, based on the reactions (i.e. color changes) of known solutions with indicator solutions. These known solutions contained different types of macromolecules. Each type of macromolecule reacted with at least one indicator solution in a unique way, which allowed us to identify the macromolecule based upon the presence or absence of a color change. The hypothesis is that protein will have a positive reaction with Biuret reagent, changing the color to violet. Starch will have a positive reaction when treated with the iodine solution, changing the color to blackish-blue. Lipids will show a positive reaction when coming in contact with Sudan III, changing the color to red-orange. Vitamin C will diminish the color of iodine when it is positive for presence of ascorbic acid. General Background Macromolecules can be divided into four classes; carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and proteins. These molecules are all considered to be organic molecules, because they consist of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, phosphate and nitrogen elements. Macromolecules have different building blocks to form carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. These building blocks are amino acids, monosaccharaides, nucleotides, fatty acids and glycerol. The water will be used as a control, to see if there are any false positive reactions during our experiment. The water will also show us what the most natural response is for each of the indicators. Water will also serve as a great way to compare color changes, since everything that looks the same as the water will be negative. Proteins are one of the components of macromolecules and are very important in different biological processes. They are catalysts and are capable of transporting and storing molecules throughout the body. Proteins are build up out of several amino acids bound together by peptide bonds. The function of a protein depends primarily on its 3D structure. Common foods that contain proteins are milk, eggs, meat and cheese. Lipids are another form of macromolecules. These molecules are non-polar molecules and non-soluble in water. Lipids consist of two parts, a glycerol and a fatty acid tail. Lipids have large stores of energy that are released when the molecule is oxidized. Lipids come in different types, such as waxes, oils and certain vitamins. Common foods that contain lipids are any oils such as olive oil or grape seed oil and butter. Starch is a carbohydrate that is not found in humans, but in plants. It consists of multiple Glucose molecules bound to each other by Glycosidic bonds. Common foods that contain carbohydrates are potatoes and bread. Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid and is an antioxidant. This vitamin is soluble in water and plays an important role in growth and repair of the bodies tissues. The most common foods that contain Vitamin C are citrus fruit. Focused Background Iodine test is the most common test for detecting the presence of starch. If the substance that is being tested has starch present, then there will be a change in the color to a blackish-bluish liquid. The best method for testing proteins will be the Biuret test. This test can also determine whether there are peptide bonds in the protein. A positive result for proteins will show a color change from a blue to a light purple. If there are peptide bonds present, the color will be a much darker purple. If Biuret can’t be used, Fehling’s Solutions A and B and Sodium hydroxide and copper (II) sulphate solutions can be used. The test that best shows the presence of lipids is the Sudan III test. Sudan III is a fat-soluble compound that will cause the color of the solution with lipids present to change to red. An easier test to preform is using a brown paper bag, lipids are fats, thus on a brown paper bag it will leave â€Å"greasy†, translucent stains. Another test for testing the presence of lipids is an Emulsion test The main test for Vitamin C is adding drop for drop the Vitamin C solution to Indophenol solution. If the dark blue color of the Indophenol solution becomes colorless, then the suspected solution does indeed contain Vitamin C. In our experiment, we will use the Iodine solution to test for the presence of Vitamin C, because it follows the same principles that Indophenol does. Method Testing with Iodine solution: Clean all your test tubes thoroughly with ethanol and then rinse them with distilled water. Label each test tube as water, protein, starch, lipid, vitamin C and unknown. Add 3ml of each of the macromolecules to the correct test tube, except Vitamin C. Add 2-5 drops of the Iodine solution to each of the test tubes, except Vitamin C. Add 3ml of the Iodine solution to the test tube marked as Vitamin C. Drop wise, add Vitamin C to the test tube until the color changes. Mix the contents well. Note any color changes. Testing with Biuret reagent: Clean all your test tubes thoroughly with ethanol and then rinse them with distilled water. Label each test tube as water, protein, starch, lipid, vitamin C and unknown. Add 3ml of each of the macromolecules to the correct test tube. Add 2-5 drops of the Biuret reagent to each of the test tubes. Mix the contents well. Note any color changes. Testing with Sudan III reagent: Clean all your test tubes thoroughly with ethanol and then rinse them with distilled water. Label each test tube as water, protein, starch, lipid, vitamin C and unknown. Add 3ml of each of the macromolecules to the correct test tube. Add 2-5 drops of the Sudan III reagent to each test tube. Mix the contents well. Note any color changes. Materials Apparatus used: Test tubes for containing the solutions. Test tube rack to keep all test tubes organized. Pipet will make the transfer of different liquids easier and the measuring there of. A piece of white paper will make it easier to determine whether a color change has taken place. Safety goggles to protect your eyes from any harmful reagents. A white lab coat to protect your skin from any harmful reagents. Chemical Compounds: Distilled Water – used for rinsing test tubes and making the control solutions Ethanol – to clean the test tubes Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) Protein Glucose Lipid Unknown substance Iodine solution – used for testing starches Sudan III solution – used for testing lipids Biuret Copper sulfate solution – used for testing proteins Format Table 1 Content Water was used as the representative to show the natural change that will take place when the different solutions were added. The protein had no different effect than that of the water when Iodine and the Sudan III was added, thus we can assume it to be negative. When it reacted with the Biuret solution, it yielded a different reaction than water did, it changed to a dark purple, resulting in a positive reaction, the hypothesis was correct. Starch showed no different changes than water with the Sudan III and Biuret test, thus we assume it to be negative. While with the Iodine test, it changed color to a dark black-blue color, as indicated by the hypothesis. This color change indicates a positive reaction to iodine, meaning that there is starch present in our compound. The suspected lipids solution showed a changed in color when Sudan III was added to it. This solution changed to a red color, thus there were lipids present. The other two tests, Iodine and Biuret tests didn’t yield any changes that differed from the results obtained from water. This test proved the hypothesis was correct. When testing for Vitamin C, the iodine solution proved that there was Vitamin C present because it turned the dark blue Iodine solution colorless. The other two tests, Sudan II and Biuret test show no difference from the water control subjects. The results from this test was as expected from the hypothesis. The Unknown substance only showed a positive response when tested with the Iodine test, leading me to believe that it is some kind of carbohydrate compound and possibly starch. The Sudan III test was negative and so was the Biuret test. Interpretation of results Protein: The protein solution reacted with the biuret reagent to show a change in color to a dark purple. This means that there was indeed peptide bonds present in the solution. The Biuret reagent has both KOH (potassium hydroxide) and CuSOà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ (copper sulfate). The solution’s pH is raised to an alkaline by the KOH, which is important for CuSOà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ to react. Cuà ¢Ã‚  ºÃ‚ ² react with nitrogen atoms present in peptide bonds to form a complex. The CuSOà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ solution is usually a blue solution, but when the Cuà ¢Ã‚  ºÃ‚ ² react with the nitrogen atoms to form the complex, the blue changes to violet, sometimes dark purple color. Starch: The starch reacted with the iodine solution to bring forth a blackish-blue change in color. This color change is attributed to the iodine and iodide ions reacting with each other and bond, forming a triodide ion. The iodine, which is a ligand, fits into the space created by the hundreds and thousands of simple sugar molecules such as Glucose that makes up the structure of starch. The color change to black is associated with the absence of light, since iodine absorbs all the light wavelengths. Lipids: The lipid solution reacted with the Sudan III reagent to change its color to an orange-red solution. Lipids are triglycerides, and have an oily appearance. Sudan III is a dye that is lipid soluble; it is also non-polar and will react with hydrocarbon chains in the lipids to form hydrophobic interactions. Vitamin C: Vitamin C reacted with the iodine solution to diminish the blackish-blue color of iodine to form an almost colorless, but milky solution. This is accounted for because when these two solutions react with each other, they are no longer what they started out as. During this reaction, these two are mixed together, the ascorbic acid losses its electrons to iodine, meaning that this reaction is a redox reaction. Ascorbic acid will be the one being oxidized while iodine is reduced. Ascorbic acid forms dehydroascorbic acid and iodine forms iodide ions. Unknown: The unknown solution reacted with the iodine indicator to form a blackish-blue solution. The only known solution which reacted with iodine to form a solution of that color was starch. Although these colors don’t match up perfectly, they are the closest match. The difference in color between the starch solution and the Unknown solution could be explained by a difference in concentration between the two solutions. This difference in concentration could have resulted if the solutions weren’t both well shaken, since starch can settle out of solution. Broader implications of results Biuret test: This test is used for detecting the presence of proteins in a solution. When there are proteins present, the mixture of our suspected solution and the Biuret reagent will undergo a color change to violet. This indicates the presence of peptide bonds in the protein solution. I did achieve this by proving that our suspected protein solution did indeed contain peptide bonds present in proteins when it changed color to violet. Iodine test: Iodine can be used to detect the presence of both starch and vitamin C. When testing for starch, a positive test will be indicated by a change in color from colorless starch to a blackish-blue solution after the addition of iodine. Our suspected starch solution did test positive for starch when its color changed to blackish-blue. When testing for the vitamin C, small amounts of vitamin C was added to the iodine solution, this determines whether or not a redox reaction will take place to transfer vitamin C electrons to the iodine. This was proved to be correct when the addition of vitamin C to the iodine eliminated the blackish-blue color of the indicator. Sudan III test: Sudan III is a lipid soluble reagent that is used to stain triglycerides. This is used to detect the presence of lipids. Both lipids and Sudan III are non-polar and react with each other to have a hydrophobic interaction, and a color change is present when the suspected solution contains lipids. The change is a red-orange color. Our test showed this when our suspected solution exhibited this change in color to red. Conclusion I can conclude that all the expected results did indeed happen. The protein solution did change color to violet-purple when tested with the Biuret test, resulting in a positive reaction. This was because the Cuà ¢Ã‚  ºÃ‚ ² reacted with the nitrogen atoms. The starch solution reacted with iodine to bring forth a blackish-blue change in the color, testing positive. This is attributed to the formation of a triodide ion. The lipids did indeed react with the Sudan III to show the positive reaction of color change to red, because of the formation of hydrophobic portion in the solution. The vitamin C showed the positive results when added to iodine when it eliminated the dark color associated with iodine. This result is because of the redox reaction that takes place between these two compounds. All of my results prove that my hypothesis were indeed correct. The unknown solution only showed a positive reaction with the starch, thus it can be concluded that it’s starch or maybe a f orm of a carbohydrate close to the composition of starch. References J.M Berg, J.L Tymoczko, L Stryer. Biochemistry, 5th ed. New York: W.H. Freeman; 2002 Dr Ananya Mandal. What are Lipids?. (accessed 29 September 2014). R.B Smith, E.C Loucheed, E.W Franklin, I. McMillan. The Starch Test for Determining Stage of Maturation in Apples. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 1979; 59(3): 725-735. SEP Staff. Testing for Lipids, Proteins and Carbohydrates. (accessed 29 September 2014) Mack, S. How does Biuret ReagentCause a Color Change with Proteins?.,html (accessed 2 October 2014).
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Causes of Ww1
Causes of World War 1 In 1914, a conflict arose in Europe that started what is now called World War 1 (WW1). This war did not just spring up out of nowhere there many causes involved that started this vast conflict. The immediate cause of WW1 was the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand who was killed in the Bosnian capital Sarajevo (Mulligan). The main cause of WW1 is M. A. I. N which represents militarism, alliance systems, imperialism, and nationalism (Danzer 579). And a contributing factor of WW1 is escalating tension in the Balkan region.Because of the assassination, M. A. I. N, and tension in the Balkan Peninsula the conflict known as WW1 began. Often the immediate cause for some event is what happened right before that event occurred in this case the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the immediate cause. In June 1914 the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was visiting the Bosnian capital, Sarajevo, when he was shot (Mulligan). The Archduke Franz Ferdina nd was killed by a Serbian named Gavrilo Princip who was associated with a group known as the Black Hand, which promoted Serbian nationalism.Right after the assassination Austria-Hungary and Serbia were in a diplomatic crisis with each other. On July 28 1914, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia thinking it would only be a short war (Danzer 580). But they had actually started what is now called the First World War. Although the assassination was the spark that started the war it was not the main reason for the war. The main cause for the start of WW1 was M. A. I. N which stands for militarism, alliance systems, imperialism, and nationalism (Danzer 579). All of these are long term causes eventually led to the start of the war.Militarism played a very important part in starting WW1; almost every country was bulking up their armies. Even Germany found that they were competing with Britain for who had a better navy. Germany didn’t have much of a Navy until Wilhelm II, Germanyâ €™s Kaiser, decided to become a major sea power (Danzer 579). Because most powerful countries had their fair share of colonies around the world they felt the need to be able to protect these territories with their armies. Tension rose as nations assembled bigger and bigger armies. Prior to the war many countries had alliance systems with other ountries in case they ever went into a conflict with another nation. These alliances were simple if one country were to go to war their allies would come to reinforce them. So when the War did break out country after country got dragged into a battle they are forced to fight. For many centuries, European nations had been building empires, slowly expanding their political control across the globe. Colonies supply European nations with materials and provide markets for manufactured goods (Danzer 579). This is why Germany, France, and Britain compete for colonies creating tension between them even before the war.Nationalism played an importan t role for the start of the war because the people of each country felt an intense loyalty to that country. It was because of nationalism that Princip assassinated the Austrian Archduke. These four causes are the main reason why the First World War started in the first place. The contributing factor for the start of WW1 was the rising tension in the Balkan Peninsula. The Balkan Peninsula at the time consisted of the countries Greece, Albania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Montenegro and Turkey (Mulligan).The Balkan Peninsula was also known as â€Å"the powder keg of Europe†because of the building tension which was ready to explode at any moment (Danzer 580). The reason for all the tension in this region is mostly because of the interest from major European powers. The Balkan Peninsula was of major significance to these European powers due to its territorial and economic advantages. Examples of these interests are Russia wanting access to the Mediterranean Sea. Another is that G ermany wanted a rail link to the Ottoman Empire, Germany’s Ally, which cut right through the Balkan Peninsula (Danzer 580).Naturally the Balkan people didn’t wish to be ruled by any authority besides themselves so they had dislike towards big European nations (Mulligan). Because of growing nationalism among the Balkan people many countries were striving to be independent. Austria-Hungary, who taken control of Bosnia in 1878, realized this when it seemed Serbia was subverting it’s rule over Bosnia (Danzer 580). With all this tension the â€Å"powder keg†was ready to ignite which is what happened in 1914. WW1 started for three reasons because of the assassination, M. A. I.N, and tension in the Balkan Peninsula. Even if the assassination of the Austrian Archduke did not happen the war may have still began because of M. A. I. N. The tension caused by M. A. I. N would eventually lead to an event similar to the assassination and have an equal effect as well. T o avoid repeating this terrible war it is important that WW1 is to be remembered as a valuable piece of history considering history was repeated already when World War 2 started. WW1 was the biggest war that anyone had ever witnessed in that time and it will always be remembered.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Top Composition about Myself Guide!
Top Composition about Myself Guide! Each paragraph ought to be unified with a central notion, and paragraphs ought to be logically ordered and connected. Also, be sure your paragraph order is logical. 1 comma changed the whole meaning. Correct grammar is important for clarity. Don't be concerned if you're not completely certain how to express your opinion on a specific topic correctly. Every idea finds its expression in the shape of a comprehensive sentence. If you're given the subject, you ought to think about the form of paper that you wish to produce. A great title can vary from two to several words and it isn't advisable to use a heading that resembles a long and intricate sentence. What Composition about Myself Is - and What it Is Not First of all, superior writing is clear. In here you will discover loads of helpful tips about essay writing procedure. If you don't plan before writing, you are probably going to forget some rather important points when you're writing your true story. If you're able to learn how to take advantage of its suggestions and phrasings in your work for a writer, you will be prepared to take on almost any other text you're requested to write about in college. Some in-class writing is needed in all writing courses. Custom made essays are come to be somewhat important a portion of our educational and internet business lifestyle. Observe of buying writers for your aim of custom authored essays isn't really new. Revise your story once it's completed to make certain that you've prepared a masterpiece! There's, naturally, a limit on the range of pages even our finest writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but usually, we can satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. Our customer support will gladly tell you whether there are any special offers at the present time, and make sure you are getting the very best service our business can deliver. Article marketing is a rather effective means to improve your exposure and generate traffic online. Writing an automobile Biography is a large undertaking. Most Noticeable Composition about Myself A conclusion is utilized to Get your kid to devote a little more time in the conclusion segment. Your strongest points ought to be the initial and last paragraphs in the body, with the others falling in the center. The function of the conclusion is to leave the reader with a notion or thought that captures the heart of the body whilst provoking additional reflection and consideration. The sports photographs on the opposite hand needs to be sharp. The body should support your primary contention with supporting evidence and potential objections. If enough men and women in your area understand the advantages of cursive, you can influence change in your district. Your son or daughter ought to be spending almost all of his time here. The Fundamentals of Composition about Myself Revealed When writing a composition, it is critical to understand its major pieces. Inside my mind, there are two ways by which you are able to approach composition. You won't be in a position to prepare a high-quality English composition if you don't catch the most important idea of writi ng. If you wish to compose a logical and coherent composition, you will need to plan the practice of writing attentively. Organizing your composition is an ongoing approach. Then you must understand how to prepare a good composition! Particulars which you only composition should be prevented, it's easy to ignore them. Compositions actually are one of the main characteristics of learning the English Language. Clear writing is a symptom of clear thinking. Schools do much to prepare the opposite attitude. The dictionary could possibly be the greatest of all human resources, but it can't break into our souls. Words shouldn't be utilized to fill up blank space only for the interest of it. When composing any form of content to be presented online you will need to be sure it's formatted for simple reading because of the typical occurrence of computer eye strain. Use the dictionary, and if you're using word processing software, utilize the spell-checker. Secondly, you're ready to collect info about your problem. The procedure for revision is the most effective if guided by means of a set of principles, or criteria, to assess the significant elements of fantastic writing. The Appeal of Composition about Myself The occurrence of expert writers employs to find important part of Roman Empire. The criteria for inclusion are extremely elaborate but the guideline is that each one of the videos capture something besides just what the performer intended them to capture. For example, a fi lm is being shot and there's a stunt sequence where the actor has to jump from a really tall building. On top of that, you get custom pieces for a small percent of the price and super speedy delivery times.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Brave New World By Aldous Huxley - 1192 Words
In Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, people in the book show lack of emotion,feelings,interest or concern especially regarding matters of general importance or appeal wishing we had lack of apathy, my prediction is that people will no longer have strong emotions about anything important.They will become apathetic about most issues.We are convinced that one individual doesn’t matter. We can’t really make a difference in anything we believe in. That’s one of the reasons why people have started to lose interest in many aspects of their lives because they can’t do anything to change that. However,this only applies to a certain part of the population. To be honest in my opinion I personally think most of our generation thanks to social media†¦show more content†¦In Brave New World no one cares about people dying, because they have no family, no emotional attachments, no one to care about. †But what do you mean. They are being death conditioned †(Brave New World). In their world death is viewed as a good thing and they don’t worry about it. When someone dies, no one cares. They really just think of it as people just leaving earth to become a fertilizer. In this novel, feelings and emotions are viewed as unhealthy. Once they start feeling emotions the citizens tell them to go immediately and see a doctor, that s why their population is apathetic because they can’t feel emotions at all. It’s technically not their faults, but the concept of not caring, and following what the others do is their fault. The only thing Huxley feared was that if anyone is going to become a trivial culture, also with some feelings, the orgy porgy,and the centrifugal. This emotional lack of bonds that is being influenced on inability to limit the dignity of humans being individuals, and it starts creating apathy toward death and loss of life. My generation at this age is more of a sophisticated at the moment than it was at a comparable age. All we do is absorb scandals,outrage,disillusionment,and we know how bad itShow MoreRelatedA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley668 Words  | 3 PagesIn Brave New World, there are similarities that have a deeper meaning that we can understand. There are personal effects in Aldous Huxley life that contribute to what he has written in the book. Aldous Huxley throughout his life have seen, done, and events have happened to him, just like all of us, but he has expressed it in his book. So when Aldous wrote the he had so many ideas. I have read the book; it’s notRead MoreBrave New World by Aldous Huxley811 Words  | 3 Pages Brave New World is based around characters who gave up the right of freedom for happiness; characters who ignored the truth so that they could live in a utopian civilization. The deceiving happiness was a constant reminder throughout the book. Almost every character in Brave New World did whatever they could to avoid facing the truth about their own situations. In this society, happiness is not compatible with the truth because the World State believes that happiness was at the expense of theRead MoreBrave New World By Aldous Huxley1525 Words  | 7 PagesA Brave New Feminist The novel Brave New World written by Aldous Huxley in 1932 is known for its social satire, utopian values, and unusual standpoints on stereotypical gender roles. In this time where futuristic technology has completely taken over, and men and women are given the same opportunities for everything, â€Å"the genders appear equal within the social order; both men and women work at the same jobs, have equal choice in sexual partners, and participate in the same leisure pursuits†(MarchRead MoreA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley664 Words  | 3 Pagesfor the fact being in the future and in the past time has changed and many differences were made. In his Dystopian Society Huxley portrays masses of niches where the government produces clones for specific reasons. Huxley decides throughout Brave New World that cloning humans is unethical. He then becomes in contact with the society’s most powerful Alphas and Betas clones. Huxley suggest in BNW that lower class groups in clo ning humans to act like servants to terrorize them into working hard conditionsRead MoreA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley1189 Words  | 5 Pages In the world of sex, drugs, and baby cloning you are going to be in many situations where you feel like the world we live in should be different. In the story Brave New World, they had sex with multiple partners along with a very bad use of drugs. It is weird that Aldous Huxley wrote this book in 1931 about the world he was living in during that time and how it is similar to the world we live in today. Nowadays, drugs are still being used and people are still engaging in sexual encounters withRead MoreBrave New World By Aldous Huxley968 Words  | 4 PagesAldous Huxley’s utopia in Brave New World foreshadowed and illuminated the complications within modern day society. Upon its release, the narrative became widely banned all over the United States due to the unorthodox thoughts and actions of multiple characters in it. Early readers, as well as modern day audiences, feared and rejected the ideals that Huxley incorporated into his perfect society; however, our society today is heading towards the dark paths the older generations desired to avoid. Read MoreA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley895 Words  | 4 Pagesthe novel Brave New World, Aldous Huxley tells of a society where everyone is the same but, compared to t oday’s society, everything is different. Huxley tells of a world where everything that happens or takes place is because of one’s own desire and nothing more. The hero in the novel, a â€Å"savage†named John, is Huxley’s main focal point. It is through his eyes and mind that the reader sees what’s going on. Now when I read this novel, I began to think, â€Å"Could this perfect, conformed world actuallyRead MoreA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley1684 Words  | 7 Pagesimperfect world and is usually only a hopeful dream. These types of worlds can greatly be described in detail through the world of science fiction. Aldous Huxley was an English writer who lived during a time when war and chaos were engulfing the world. His works reflect his view and thoughts on a dystopia, which is a false utopia, and describes what could occur in possible governments of the world. The ability to understand and dive into the thoughts of the author is what make s world literatureRead MoreA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley614 Words  | 2 Pagesthem truly happy. What if someone were to tell you that what you thought was true happiness was all an illusion. In a Brave New World by Aldous Huxley people in the world state are conditioned and drugged up by soma to not experience true happiness. In a world that is perfect, human beings do not have to depend on drugs to keep our world in balance. In a Brave New World by Aldous Huxley there is always a perfect drug called soma that keeps everyone happy, which they have based their society on. ThisRead MoreA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley948 Words  | 4 PagesWelcome to a world were â€Å"Brave†is not just a word; It has a true meaning. This is a story were everything as you know it, doesn’t seem to be right and will completely change your way of thinking. When this story was written, life was very harsh for many people†¦.Mostly for the author who wrote â€Å"Brave New World†During this time (1930s) they didn’t have much sexual content Living The Future Of The Past In The Present†¦.. In the air; But Aldous made a future full of sex for them and we are the
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