Saturday, May 23, 2020
Public Assistance Programs Emergency Management Plan
Public Assistance Programs Every emergency management plan must have a diagram that leaves room for recovery. Recovery takes efforts that must combine every leader of the community, from every level. This idea is crucial when dealing with the aftermath of a disaster. Knowing how to respond is one thing, but knowing how to recover properly and promptly is critical for any community after a disaster. This brings up the assistance programs that the government has to offer. This are plans designed to help people and communities, as individuals and as a whole. These programs must be utilized when dealing with recovery. Not to mentioned that these plans are designed to bring the public back to a normal aspect of their lives after a disaster. The times of recovery are difficult or threatening in many ways, therefore every program designed to support the recovery stage of a disaster must be considered by leaders of the community. This paper focuses on Public Assistance Programs designed to d o just that, to help the public. A disaster can really damage a community and make the environment un-safe for the public, these programs help to make a bad situation or condition functional. The government’s intention and involvement after a disaster is to attempt to relive some of the stress brought by disasters, these programs support such believe. That’s what this project will analyze, it will focus on finding how FEMA’s Public Assistance Grant Programs functions, the idea behind them, andShow MoreRelatedEducation in Emergency: Role of the Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools Discretionary Grant Program656 Words  | 3 PagesReadiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) discretionary grant program for funding to help strengthen the emergency management plans of their institutions. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
Spiny Lobster (Rock Lobster) Facts
A spiny lobster is any lobster in the family Palinuridae, which includes at least 60 species. These species are grouped into 12 genera, which include Palinurus, Panulirus, Linuparus, and Nupalirus (word play on the family name). There are numerous names for the spiny lobster. Commonly-used names include the rock lobster, langouste, or langusta. It is also sometimes called a crayfish or crawfish, even though these terms also refer to a separate freshwater animal. Fast Facts: Spiny Lobster Scientific Name: Family Palinuridae (e.g. Panulirus interruptus)Other Names: Rock lobster, langouste, langusta, sea crayfish, furry lobsterDistinguishing Features: Shaped like a true lobster, but has long, spiny antennae and lacks large clawsAverage Size: 60 cm (24 in)Diet: OmnivorousLife Span: 50 years or moreHabitat: Tropical oceans worldwideConservation Status: Depends on speciesKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ArthropodaSubphylum: CrustaceaClass: MalacostracaOrder: DecapodaFun Fact: Spiny lobsters make a rasping sound using friction at the base of their antennae. Description The spiny lobster resembles a true lobster in its shape and hard exoskeleton, but the two types of crustacean arent closely related. Unlike true lobsters, spiny lobsters have extremely long, thick, spiny antennae. They also lack large claws or chelae, although mature female spiny lobsters have a small claw on their fifth pair of walking legs. The average size of a mature spiny lobster depends on its species, but they may exceed 60 centimeters or 2 feet in length. Specimens of many spiny lobster species are red or brown, but some spiny lobsters have mottled patterns and display vivid colors. Some species of spiny lobster are colorful. DigiPub / Getty Images Distribution Spiny lobsters live in tropical oceans worldwide. However, they are most commonly found in the Caribbean and Mediterranean, in coastal waters off Southeast Asia and Australia, and off the coast of South Africa. Behavior The spiny lobster spends most of its time hidden within a rocky crevice or reef, exiting at night to feed and migrate. During migration, groups of up to 50 spin lobsters move in single file, keeping contact with each other with their antennae. They navigate using scent and taste, as well as through their ability to detect the Earths magnetic field. Reproduction and Life Cycle Spiny lobsters reach sexual maturity when they reach the necessary size, which depends on water temperature and food availability. The average age of maturity is between 5 and 9 years for females and 3 and 6 years for males. During mating, males transfer spermatophores directly into the females sternum. The female spiny lobster carries 120,000 to 680,000 fertilized eggs on her pleopods for around 10 weeks until they hatch. Juvenile painted spiny lobster. Hal Beral / Getty Images Spiny lobster larvae are zooplankton that do not resemble adults. The larvae feed on plankton and go through several molts and larval stages. In the case of the California spiny lobster, 10 molts and larval stages take place between hatching and reaching the juvenile form. Juveniles sink to the bottom of the ocean, where they eat small crabs, amphipods, and isopods until they are big enough to take larger prey. It is difficult to gauge the age of a spiny lobster because it gains a new exoskeleton each time it molts, but the animals lifespan is believed to be 50 years or more. Diet and Predators Spiny lobsters are omnivorous, eating live prey, decaying matter, and plants. During the day, they stay hidden in crevices, but at night they may venture from crevices to hunt. Typical prey include sea urchins, snails, crabs, sea hares, mussels, and clams. Spiny lobsters have not been observed eating other members of their own species. The crustaceans navigate and hunt using senses of smell and taste. Humans are the spiny lobsters most significant predator, as the animals are fished for meat. The spiny lobsters natural predators include sea otters, octopuses, sharks, and bony fishes. Sound When threatened by a predator, the spiny lobster flexes its tail to escape backwards and emits a loud rasping sound. The sound is produced using a stick-slip method, like a violin. The sound emanates when the base of the antennae rubs across a file on the antennal plate. Interestingly, the spiny lobster can make this sound even after it molts and its shell is soft. While some insects (e.g. grasshoppers and crickets) produce sounds in a similar fashion, the spiny lobsters specific method is unique. Conservation Status For most spiny lobster species, there is is insufficient data for conservation status classification. Of the species listed on the IUCN Red List, most are categorized as least concern. However, the common spiny lobster (Palinurus elephas) is vulnerable with a decreasing population. The Cape Verde spiny lobster (Palinurus charlestoni) is near threatened. The most significant threat to spiny lobsters is over-exploitation by fisheries. Climate change and single catastrophic events also threaten some species, particularly if they live within a restricted range. Sources Hayward, P. J. and J. S. Ryland (1996). Handbook of the Marine Fauna of North-West Europe. Oxford University Press. p. 430. ISBN 0-19-854055-8.Lipcius, R. N. and D. B. Eggleston (2000). Introduction: Ecology and fishery biology of spiny lobsters. In Bruce F. Phillips J. Kittaka. Spiny Lobsters: Fisheries and Culture (2nd ed.). John Wiley Sons. pp. 1–42. ISBN 978-0-85238-264-6.Patek, S. N. and J. E. Baio (2007). The acoustic mechanics of stick-slip friction in the California spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus). Journal of Experimental Biology. 210 (20): 3538–3546. doi:10.1242/jeb.009084Sims, Harold W. Jr. (1965). Lets call the spiny lobster spiny lobster. Crustaceana. 8 (1): 109–110. doi:10.1163/156854065X00613
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
California DMV Written Test Free Essays
California DMV written test #1 1 . It is illegal for a person 21years of age or older to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (bac) that is or higher. a. We will write a custom essay sample on California DMV Written Test or any similar topic only for you Order Now 0. 08%- Eight hundredths of one percent 2. You must notify DMV within 5 days if you: a. Sell or transfer your vehicle. 3. Highways are typically most slippery: a. When it first starts to rain after a dry spell. 4. A police officer is signaling you to continue driving through a red traffic light. What should you do? a. Do as the officer tells you 5. When planning to pass another vehicle you should: a. Not count on other drivers making room for you. 6. What is the difference between traffic lights with red arrows and those with solid red lights a. You cannot turn on a red arrow, even if you stop first. 7. Which of the following increases your chances of having a collision? a. Continually changing lanes to pass other vehicles. 8. Which of these statements about drugs and driving is true a. Even over-the- counter drugs can impair your driving. 9. You should allow more space in front of your vehicle when following large trucks because: a. You need the extra room to see around the truck. 10. You may cross double yellow lines to pass another vehicle if the: a. Yellow line next to your side of the road is broken. 11. You must use your seat belt: a. And failure to do so will result in a traffic ticket. 12. Which of these statements is true about road work zones? a. You must â€Å"slow for the cone zone†.. 13. Animals may be transported in the back of a pickup truck only if: a. They are properly secured 14. If you drive slower than the flow of traffic, you will most likely: a. Interfere with traffic and receive a ticket. 15. When changing lanes on a freeway, you should: a. Signal for at least five seconds. 16. You want to pass a bicyclist riding on the tight edge of your lane. You: a. Must not squeeze past the bicyclist. 17. At intersection, crosswalks, and railroad crossings, you should always: a. Look to the sides of your vehicle. 18. You want to turn left ahead. In the middle of the road there is a lane marked as shown. You must. a. Merge completely into this lane before you make your left turn. 19. This yellow sign means: a. Merging traffic ahead. 20. You are driving on a city street and see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights behind you. What should you do? a. Drive to the edge of the road and stop. 21 . which statement is true about motorcyclists and motorists a. otorcyclists he same rights/responsibilities as other motorists 22. When making a right turn from a highway with two lanes in your direction, you may turn from. a. The lane nearest the curb or edge of the road. 23. Which of these vehicles must stop before crossing railroad tracks? a. Tank truck marked with hazardous materials placards. 24. If you have trouble seeing other vehicles beca use dust or smoke blowing across the roadway, you should drive slower and turn on your: a. Headlights 25. Large trucks turning right onto a street with two lanes in each direction: a. Often have to use part of the left lane to complete the turn. . You should not start across an intersection if you know you will block the intersection when the lights turn red: a. Under any circumstances. 27. Pedestrians crossing at corners have the right-of-way: a. Whether or not a crosswalk is marked. 28. Which of the following will help you avoid being hit from behind? a. Decreasing your following distance. 29. You want to make a right turn at the corner. A pedestrian with a guide dog is at the corner ready to cross the street in front of you. Before making your right turn, you should: a. Wait until the person crosses the street. 30. Smoking inside a vehicle when a person younger than 18 years of age is present is: a. Illegal at all times. 31 . You must file a report of Traffic Accident Occurring in California (SR 1) with DMV within 10 days if you: a. Are in a collision that causes $750 in damage. 32. When is it legal to use a cell phone without a hands-free device while driving? a. When making a call for emergency assistance. 33. This white sign means: a. Stay in the right lane if you are driving slower than other traffic. 34. You should use your horn when: a. It may help prevent a collision. 35. You are driving on a one-way street. You may turn left onto another one-way street: a. If traffic on the street is moving to the left. 36. At dawn or dusk, or in rain or snow, it can be hard to see and be seen. A good way to let other drivers know you are there is to turn: a. On your headlights. -rest 1. You must notify DMV within 5 days if you: 2. It is illegal for a person 21years of age or older to drive with a blood alcohol 3. You are driving on a five-lane freeway in the lane closest to the center divider. To exit the freeway on the right you should a. Change lanes one at a time until you are in the proper lane. 4 A large truck is driving in the middle ot three lanes. You want to pass the large truck. It is the best to pass: a. Quickly on the left and move ahead of it. 5. You are driving on a divided street with multiple lanes in your direction if you need to make a U-turn, where should you start? a. In the left lane. 6. When you are in a dedicated turn lane controlled by a green arrow, which of the following is true? a. All oncoming vehicles and pedestrians are stopped by red light. 7. Always look carefully for motorcycles before you make a turn because: a. Their smaller size makes them harder to see. 8. When looking ahead of your vehicle while driving, you should: a. Scan your surroundings. 9. Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit in a residential or business district is: a. 25mph 10. There is one lane in your direction and the vehicle ahead of you often slows down for no apparent reason. In this situation you should: a. Increase the following distance between you and the other vehicle. 11. If an oncoming vehicle has started to turn left in front of you: a. Slow or stop to prevent a collision. 12. You should usually drive your vehicle more carefully when you: a. Are near schools, playgrounds, and in residential areas. . This yellow sign means: a. Divided highway ahead. 14. Do not cross double solid yellow lines in the center of the roadway to: a. Pass another vehicle. 15. Where should you stop your vehicle if there is no crosswalk or limit line? a. At the corner. 16. You are approaching an intersection. The traffic signal light is flashing red. What should you do? a. Stop before entering, then proceed when safe. 17. which statement is true about motorcyclists and motorists a. motorcyclists have the same rights/responsibilities as other motorists 18. Use your high-beam headlights at night: a. Whenever it is legal and safe. How to cite California DMV Written Test, Papers
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