Saturday, May 23, 2020
Public Assistance Programs Emergency Management Plan
Public Assistance Programs Every emergency management plan must have a diagram that leaves room for recovery. Recovery takes efforts that must combine every leader of the community, from every level. This idea is crucial when dealing with the aftermath of a disaster. Knowing how to respond is one thing, but knowing how to recover properly and promptly is critical for any community after a disaster. This brings up the assistance programs that the government has to offer. This are plans designed to help people and communities, as individuals and as a whole. These programs must be utilized when dealing with recovery. Not to mentioned that these plans are designed to bring the public back to a normal aspect of their lives after a disaster. The times of recovery are difficult or threatening in many ways, therefore every program designed to support the recovery stage of a disaster must be considered by leaders of the community. This paper focuses on Public Assistance Programs designed to d o just that, to help the public. A disaster can really damage a community and make the environment un-safe for the public, these programs help to make a bad situation or condition functional. The government’s intention and involvement after a disaster is to attempt to relive some of the stress brought by disasters, these programs support such believe. That’s what this project will analyze, it will focus on finding how FEMA’s Public Assistance Grant Programs functions, the idea behind them, andShow MoreRelatedEducation in Emergency: Role of the Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools Discretionary Grant Program656 Words  | 3 PagesReadiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) discretionary grant program for funding to help strengthen the emergency management plans of their institutions. 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